Pharmacy Member: Account Set Up

We will create a unique account just for your company to enable our system to:

    • Send your company’s assessment feedback to the email address you designate as the administrator

    • Send copies of the assessment feedback to another optional email address you select

    • Send a chart to your administrator to keep track of who has been assigned each code

    • Provide email templates for you to send invitations to employees and to candidates

Please enter the information requested in the form below.

Account Set-up Form

Please enter the information requested in this form. →

PDS - Oval Group Account Set Up Form
Please enter your Pharmacy / Company Name
Person responsible for assessment process (manage codes, receive, and manage/distribute assessment feedback)
Email to receive assessment reports
Confirm Email
2nd email address to receive assessment reports (optional)
Confirm Email
If we need to reach you to solve a problem
If you do not have a specific business web site or landing page, we can direct them to Google, or our website.

To Create Your Own Welcome Message CLICK HERE

If you do not specify a message, we will add your pharmacy name to our standard welcome message shown below.
Contact Us:


Phone: 804-360-8032

TTI Success Insights publishes all of the assessments The Oval Group LLC uses
in the services and programs we provide.

For more information on TTI Success Insights
click here

© 2023 The Oval Group LLC, All Rights Reserved