
You have successfully completed your Talent Insights® assessment. Your results have been emailed to the inbox of the email address you provided when you completed your assessment.

Please click the button below to download a guide for how to review your assessment results

Print out and bring your report to the Pharmacy U training session. You will use your results during the day. At the session, you will have an opportunity to schedule a one on one personal results review with one of our certified consultants.


If you do not receive your results in your email inbox immediately, please contact us. You can reach us via email at info@ovalgrp.com or by phone at 804-360-8032.


Contact Us:

Email: info@ovalgrp.com

Phone: 804-360-8032

TTI Success Insights publishes all of the assessments The Oval Group LLC uses in the services and programs we provide.

For more information on TTI Success Insights click here

© 2016 The Oval Group LLC, All Rights Reserved